Friday, June 19, 2009

Socialism USA

The science of socialism was developed and elaborated by the greatest social scientists and working class leaders in history--Karl Marx, Frederick Engels and V.I. Lenin. The teachings of Marx, Engels, Lenin--Marxism-Leninism--evoke the utmost hostility and hatred of all bourgeois science. But, as Lenin said, "no other attitude is to be expected, for there can be no “impartial” social science in a society based on class struggle. In one way or another, all official and liberal science defends wage-slavery, whereas Marxism has declared relentless war on that slavery." (Lenin, Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism, 1913)

"Our Communist science, Marxism-Leninism, " a CPUSA pamphlet explains, "makes clear why the interests of the capitalist class directly conflict with the interests of the working class and why these conflicting interests take the form of bitter class struggle which can not cease so long as a handful of capitalists continue to appropriate for themselves the wealth created by the labor of millions. But it makes clear more than that. It reveals that capitalism itself creates the conditions which make possible and necessary the development of a society free from the exploitation of man by man. It shows why the modern working class is impelled by the very conditions of its existence to lead all the oppressed toward this new socialist reorganization of society." (Communist Party of the U.S.A., The Communist Party and You, 1946)

(V.I.Lenin: ’the Marxist doctrine is omnipotent because it is true!’)Socialism guarantees that the American people can enjoy prosperity, free from insecurity, unemployment and economic crises. The socialist workers’ state abolishes the private ownership of mines, mills, factories and transport--the main means of production--and removes the material basis for racism and women’s oppression. Marxism-Leninism teaches that we need the dictatorship of the proletariat, the political rule of the proletariat, in order to break the inevitable resistance of the bourgeoisie and to organize the socialist economy. V.I. Lenin put it bluntly: "only he is a Marxist who extends the recognition of the class struggle to the recognition of the dictatorship of the proletariat. This is what constitutes the most profound difference between the Marxist and the ordinary petty (as well as big) bourgeois. This is the touchstone on which the real understanding and recognition of Marxism is to be tested." The dictatorship of the proletariat ushers in proletarian democracy. Socialism USA is the next step on the historical ladder.(Lenin, State and Revolution, 1917)

Recommended Reading:

Marx and Engels’ "Communist Manifesto"

Lenin’s "State and Revolution"

Gus Hall’s "Socialism USA"

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